Why Choose Complex Capital


A Second Charge mortgage provides you with additional borrowing against your property, whether Residential or Buy to Let, allowing you to keep your current mortgage terms unaffected.

The thought of having another mortgage on your property can be daunting but allows you to achieve your goals now as opposed to waiting for something to change. They are regulated by the FCA in the same way as any other mortgage would be, which means you are able to keep the same level of protection against your Residential home.

Most customers borrow to either Debt Consolidate or completed Home Improvements to their property, but you can use them for any legal purpose. Other reasons often include:
In most situations, you may feel as the only way to achieve your goal is by either Re-mortgaging, taking a Further Advance with your existing mortgage provider, applying for a Personal Loan with your bank or using Credit Cards to fund your requirements. However, you may find these options to either be limited or expensive. Customers can often benefit where:
The interest rate on these mortgages are typically higher and the fees are generally more expensive than any of the other solutions, so you should always think carefully before securing debt against your property as your home may be at risk, should you miss payments. Although, you may find it to be the perfect solution for what you need to achieve and allows you to take the first step in your desired plans.